Moving Mood

“We are a creative and social enterprise, specialised in fashion and diversity.

And for what?
Our aim is to improve the autonomy of people with dependency and disability in the field of clothing and accessories.

And what do we do?
We research the needs. We design products and services that provide value. We develop consultancy and training.

And how do we do it?
We put all our creativity to work.
We sew inclusive fashion programmes for companies and universities.
We complete them with our unique method of implementation.
We weave products applying the principles of accessible fashion.

We design accessibility

We create inclusion” Moving Mood (2023)

“Adaptation of industrial sewing machines for the integration of people with disabilities” (2023)

“Moving3Dmachine is an adaptation for industrial sewing machines designed for users with physical disabilities. The traditional use of pedals is replaced by levers activated by the arm, allowing people with reduced mobility to be employed in a sector such as fashion, which employs one in six people worldwide.

A system that is easy to attach, removable, and does not need to leave an adapted machine all the time.

Our aim is to offer more job and higher education opportunities for people with physical diversity. Promoting their autonomy and contributing directly to society. Find out more about our sewing machines for inclusive production.” Moving Mood” (2023)

Moving Mood (2023)

Moving mood design an adaptation that can be fitted to industrial sewing machines with ease, aimed to those with motor limitations to their legs. The design is available to download free of charge to be 3D printed which has been made possible due to funding from the Social Challenges Innovation Platform which is financed by the European Union.

This is the perfect intervention to put in place and test as this is not only an adaptation for students with disabilities, it is usable by abled bodied students also. My plan is to print the Moving3Dmachine and hopefully with the help of the machine technician at LCF, see if this can work with out machines.


Moving Mood (2023) About us. Available at Accessed 1st December 2023

Moving Mood (2023) Sewing machines for inclusive production. Available at Accessed 1st December 2023

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